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The original annotated jQuery source code

The original source code for jQuery. Including annotations from Jon Resig:

I want to just take a moment to note how little has changed in how these functions work, at an API level. There’s a strong chance that you could take circa-2006 jQuery-using code and drop in a modern version and have it still work. Granted much more was added later on, as it increased in scope beyond my simple use cases, but almost all of the API that we see here was left intact. I’m definitely proud of the fact that the API was “good enough” to last over the next decade — and beyond.

It’s kind of amazing that the original version of jQuery wasn’t even 700 lines of code — a good reminder that even really big projects start out small. Via Jeremy Kieth.

Stackoverflow’s 2015 Web Developer Survey

Software development has a gender balance problem. Our internal stats suggest the imbalance isn’t quite as severe as the survey results would make it seem, but there’s no doubt everyone who codes needs to be more proactive welcoming women into the field.

From over 25,000 web developer survey respondents, 91% identified as male. I’m interested to see how much this differs from their internal stats because it seems in line with my own personal observations — which is a shame.


A new technique for setting responsive font sizes

Michael Riethmuller:

It appears that by using calc() and vw we can get responsive typography that scales perfectly between specific pixel values within a specific viewport range. This means you can have perfect smooth scaling between any 2 font sizes over any viewport range. The font will start scaling and stop scaling exactly where you want.

Incredibly useful.


(Via Chris Coyier)

A Baseline for Front-End Developers: 2015

A good follow up to Rebecca Murphy’s 2012 recommendations for baseline skills for front-end web developers. It’s always tough to pin down what the essential skills of the field are or should be as it seems like acquiring new knowledge on a daily bases is a job requirement for front-end web developers.

The main point I took away from this is that on top of understanding JavaScript, we should all be using the tools we have available to us (build tools, versioning, dependency management, the shell, etc) and know how to use them well to in order to automate repetitive tasks, eliminate errors, and ultimately be more productive.


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